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The home of fishing in Wantage and Grove.

This page updated Monday 15 July 2024, all information is accurate at that date

Work Party

Sunday 21 July


Start at 9am.


Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated.


2024-25 Match Calendar


Note - Updated draw and fish times both Whitehouse matches


Match Calendar 2024-25


The matches this year are scheduled to occur mainly in the summer months, this will allow clear space in case (as has happened over the last few years) matches have to be postponed.


There is a new fishery plan available.

Please take a few minutes to read this, it shows where the club plans to spend your membership fees over the next couple of years.

If you have any comments or suggestions please either come to a meeting and we can discuss this or use the contact page.


Fishery Plan

Match results.jpg

Match Results 2023/24


Congratulations to Matt Andrew, the 2023 aggregate trophy winner.


Click on the Icon to go to the results page also see the blog for full commentary

Cormorant Predation



The club is taking measures to deter these birds but the best line of defense is people. If any member is passing the pond, please take just 2 minutes to drive down and scare them off.


If any members have any suggestions please let the committee know.

Next Meeting:

Tuesday 6 August, King Alfreds Head, Wantage, 8pm

All members are welcome to attend

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